Working Together

Imagine what it would feel like to release the negative thoughts, feelings, and memories that interfere with reaching your goals and dreams.

Imagine having techniques that you could use daily or even hourly to support your overall joy and happiness.

Imagine what it would feel like to be free of negative self-talk, free of thoughts that control your daily life.

Integrating EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique), Affirmations and Scripts that support a free emotional state - this is what I offer.  

Would you like to learn more?

We will communicate together through Zoom, which allows us to work together no matter where you are in the world.

I offer an initial 15 minute complimentary consultation where I will discuss my approach and tools and we can see if together we are a good fit.  

You have nothing to loose except everything that has been holding you back in life. 

Please contact me to schedule an initial consultation and for pricing.

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